A facade is an object that provides a simplified interface to a larger body of code, such as a class library. A facade can:
- make a software library easier to use, understand and test, since the facade has convenient methods for common tasks;
- make the library more readable, for the same reason;
- reduce dependencies of outside code on the inner workings of a library, since most code uses the facade, thus allowing more flexibility in developing the system;
- wrap a poorly designed collection of APIs with a single well-designed API (as per task needs).
The Facade design pattern is often used when a system is very complex or difficult to understand because the system has a large number of interdependent classes or its source code is unavailable. This pattern hides the complexities of the larger system and provides a simpler interface to the client. It typically involves a single wrapper class which contains a set of members required by client. These members access the system on behalf of the facade client and hide the implementation details.
package com.test.facadepattern; public interface Animal { void printMsg(); void getFeet(); void life(); }
package com.test.facadepattern; public class Bird implements Animal{ @Override public void printMsg() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.println("bird class"); } @Override public void getFeet() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void life() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }
package com.test.facadepattern; public class Cat implements Animal { @Override public void printMsg() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.println("cat class"); } @Override public void getFeet() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void life() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }
package com.test.facadepattern; public class Dog implements Animal{ @Override public void printMsg() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.println("dog class"); } @Override public void getFeet() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void life() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }
package com.test.facadepattern; public class Zoo { private Animal bird ; private Animal cat ; private Animal dog ; public Zoo(){ bird = new Bird(); dog = new Dog(); cat = new Cat(); } public void imDog(){ dog.printMsg(); } public void imBird(){ bird.printMsg(); } public void imCat(){ cat.printMsg(); } }
testFacadePattern .java
package com.test.facadepattern; public class testFacadePattern { public static void main(String[] args) { Zoo zoo = new Zoo(); zoo.imBird(); zoo.imCat(); zoo.imDog(); } }
bird class cat class dog class